159: Looking at google trends to spot the start of the lawn maintenance season

159: Looking at google trends to spot the start of the lawn maintenance season

Well this is going to be my biggest experiment yet.

I'm going to break my comfort zone.

I'm going to put a new block in place (i'll tell you about that soon).

Let me explain.

Most years I wait for the season to become obvious, the grass is growing, it's time to get started.

But this year for a bit of fun (not sure that's the right word), but i'm going to take a look at when Google Trends thinks the season starts.

I'm going to search for the term "lawn" and "lawn treatments" and see when people start searching for those services.

Now I think what will make it interesting is Google Trends gives you a 5 year view.

That's a whole 5 years of data and trends on what people do.

Here's today's podcast



Founder of All Gardening

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