From this, to that.

From this, to that.

I was asked today about Lawn Plan Complete.

I said it was the best way to NOT replace a lawn.

I said it was the best and fastest way to change a lawn.

I said it was the most environmentally sensitive way to treat your lawn.

I said per m2 it's significantly cheaper than replacing a lawn.

I said It's faster, mess messy.... and I went on and ona bout the advantages and features of Lawn Plan Complete.


You see Lawn Plan Compete resets a lawn.

No matter its age. 


I even put a type of tea on the Lawn, All Gardening Lawn Tea....


Others say "you have to kill off your old lawn" with contact weed killer and start again.

I think why not just start with what's there that's good.

And add to it.



Lawn Plan Complete requires 9 processes. 

Each one of those processes I've invested 3,888 hours learning.


The service Lawn Plan Complete, you can now buy.


Here's todays podcast

See you, until next time friends.


Phil - Founder of The All Gardening and The All Gardening Cafe


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