Customer Testimonials

Doug Edmonds

Doug Edmonds

I am really pleased with how my lawn turned out after signing up to Lawn Plan! It was easy to get started and didn't require too much effort on my part...

Doug Edmonds

I am really pleased with how my lawn turned out after signing up to Lawn Plan! It was easy to get started and didn't require too much effort on my part...

Will Saint

Will Saint

Lawns looking great Phil! Brilliant and trustworthy service. Prompt as well. Very pleased and highly recommended. Love the way we can communicate on WhatsApp...

Will Saint

Lawns looking great Phil! Brilliant and trustworthy service. Prompt as well. Very pleased and highly recommended. Love the way we can communicate on WhatsApp...

John Ryan

John Ryan

I have to say that looks amazing but I would do as it's mine. Phil has extensive knowledge of what it takes to grow and care for a lawn, that...

John Ryan

I have to say that looks amazing but I would do as it's mine. Phil has extensive knowledge of what it takes to grow and care for a lawn, that...

Darren Godard

Darren Godard

Phil absolutely loves grass!

Darren Godard

Phil absolutely loves grass!

Michelle Ruddiman

Michelle Ruddiman

It's great. Thanks so much.

Michelle Ruddiman

It's great. Thanks so much.

Adrian Davies

Adrian Davies

Phil is the Boss of moss.

Adrian Davies

Phil is the Boss of moss.